Technological Developments and Patents


Sistema Opto-mecánico y metodología para evaluar el comportamiento macro y micromecánico de materiales suaves y tejidos biológicos.

Patente otorgada Título No. 345455. example graphic

An apparatus designed for tensile tests of soft and thin materials, incorporating optical and mechanical devices, allows for obtaining the mechanical behavior of the tissue samples. Using both, digital image correlation (DIC) and random laser emission analysis, the apparatus provides information regarding the response of the bovine pericardium under different stress levels. Our results show that changes in the spectral features of the random laser correlate well to the mechanical response obtained with conventional uniaxial tensile analysis coupled with digital image correlation.

This patent was obtained with the colaboration of Celso Briones Herrara, Dr. N. Cuando Espitia, and Dr. Juan Hernádez Cordero .

Dispositivo y metodología para determinar la respuesta macro y micromecánica de elastómeros sometidos a tracción biaxial por indentación esférica.

Patente Solicitada, MX/a/2020/007977. Folio MX/E/2020/04970. (Julio 2020).

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The aim of this work was to develop a methodology and a mechanical tester to determine the macro- and micromechanical behaviours of elastomers under biaxial tension by spherical indentation. Combining the Yang and Begley models, in addition to the experimental data obtained from our mechanical tester, a new methodology to understand the mechanical response of elastomers was obtained.

This work was developed with the colaboration of Dra. I. M. Garnica-Palafox, Dra. M. Álvarez-Camacho.

Technological Developments

Bulge inflation tester to evaluate the mechanical behavior of natural or synthetic polymeric membranes.

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The main objetive of this work was to obtain a device to evaluate mechanical response of of natural or synthetic polymeric membranes undergoing a biaxial state of stress caused by internal pressure. This proyect was developed by two BSc. students: Aljenadro Rodríguez Prado and Oscar Fabián Jiménez Sánchez. Aljandro designed and manufactured the tester and Oscar did the instrumentation and programmed the software to operate the tester.

Now this tester is a powerful tool in our resarch group to determine the elastic properties of natural or synthetic polymeric membranes.

Mechanical tester to evaluate the micro and macromechanical behaviors of complex materials.

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The main objetive of this work was to obtain a device to evaluate the macro and micromechanical behaviors of some hiperelastic materials. It involved the mechanical desing, manufacture, instrumentation as well as the programming of a computational interface to operate the device.

This work was developed by Daniel Flores, who obtain his BSc. with this challenging proyect.